Blog #10 Clear the Deck

Buddhism is all about letting go of attachments. We’ll do one more application of this concept before we say goodbye to this fascinating unit. You must do one the following:

  • Give up something
  • Give up clutter
  • Give up a habit
  • Give up an attitude

The crucial phrase is Give up. I decided, that till the end of this year, I’ll clean my desk at the end of each school day. This purge would be from the Give up clutter category. This is going to be quite a challenge. There are a lot of things in this room that I’m needlessly attached to. It’s so easy to walk out the door at the end of the day and not mess with cleaning my desk. I’m deputizing all of you to hold me accountable. If you come in and my desk is cluttered…crab at me! Perhaps, my daily desk purge will inspire me to expand my efforts.






  • Include a before and after photo
  • Indicate why you chose your sacrifice
  • Indicate how you felt during the purge
  • Speculate on how it could impact your existence.

Blog #9…Eating a Conscious Meal

Westerners inhale their food! While we devour our meals, the TV blares, the smartphone vibrates, and we nervously yammer through our full mouths to dinner companions that barely acknowledge us.



Hopefully, you enjoyed our slow silent eating exercise. Even if it drove you crazy, it certainly should have made you think. Do you:

  • eat slowly?
  • turn off all stimuli?
  • eat in silence?
  • savor your meal?

I TRY to do these things, but it’s hard! Modern life lends itself to speed and efficiency even when it comes to eating. What a pity!

For this prompt, we are going to produce and consume a conscious Buddhist meal. If preparing a meal for the rest of your family is too cumbersome, create a delightful snack. But please don’t just pull something out of a bag! At least…make a sandwich. Regardless of whether you dine alone, or have others join you, complete the following:

  1. Describe your meal. Indicate why you chose it. (10 points)
  2. Turn off ALL potential media disruptions.
  3. Chronicle the meal prep. This could be done with images, video, drawings, or voice recording. (10 points)
  4. Compose a paragraph which describes the experience. Focus on the experience, but also how it might influence future actions. (10 points)

Last spring, I created a Jainist meal. SAY WHAT???? I called it a Jainist meal because it was vegitarian. When I’m not dining with wife and offspring, I’ll often go vegan or vegg. One of my primary missions was better prepare TOFU. I was pleased the result.

I started with a block of extra firm tofu:

To many...tofu represents the end of Western Civilization

To many…tofu represents the end of Western Civilization

The key to making epic tofu is moisture extraction:

No kitchen should be without free weights

No kitchen should be without free weights

Sure…tofu is bland. It’s much like a dry sponge which allows it to assume the flavors of its partners! YUM…or perhaps YUM!

I like to fry tofu to a golden brown. I pour olive oil in a frying pan, chop the brick into small squares, coat the squares with corn starch by shaking them in a zip-lock bag and then fry them up:

ZIP IT!!!!!

ZIP IT!!!!!

I paired my fried tofu with spinach and rice noodles. But what really frosted my gourd, was this amazing Indian simmer sauce called Tikka Masala:

The only non-vegan part of the meal...BUT JUST SLIGHTLY!

The only non-vegan part of the meal…BUT JUST SLIGHTLY!

Check out this tasty masterpiece:

Shut up...I'm eating!

Shut up…I’m eating!

I dined alone, slowly, and in silence.


My dining partner was upset by the silence

I ate a lot less than normal. I tasted each bite. After the meal I felt great. I did not feel like I had overeaten. Mahavira would have been so proud. It was a spiritual experience!

How Should we Defeat Isis?

Isis Flag...“There is no god but Allah [God]. Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.”

Isis Flag…“There is no god but Allah [God]. Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.”

You have now been promoted to presidential advisor. What an honor! Yourself, amongst others, will form a council. Individually, you will each develop a plan as to how the United States should address the threat of ISIS and terrorism.

Please follow this link if you’re interested in this mission!

1181 How About Burning your next Masterpiece?

At Big Walnut University, we matriculate through an entire unit on Buddhism. But at BWU, we try to experience a unit, not just read and take notes. One way to do this is to engage in art. Buddhist are famous for crafting inspiring mandalas. Here’s a captivating 2-minute clip on monks creating a mandala:


Here’s the way to construct a paper mandala:

  1. Take a perfectly square paper and folded it into 8 pie-shaped sections.

photo (42)

  1. Create a cool design in one of the sections.

photo (43)

  1. Fold the paper, place it on a window or light box, and recreate the image in the 7 remaining sections.

photo (44)

  1. Here’s some examples from last fall. But in the spirit of Buddhism, we promptly took them out in the parking lot and torched them!a2012762-3c01-4699-8ae8-e3041920796a
  2. FullSizeRender

BMU photo (33)

Why, you may ask, would one do such a thing? The answer lies in attachment. Buddhism is all about letting go. That’s a tough concept to grasp when you’re a youthful 17-years-old. Burning these beautiful works of art could have a profound impact on you. Regardless, I have no doubt you’ll remember this assignment and the message about attachment for the rest of your life!

photo (27)photo (26)

Instructions: (20 Points)

  • Create a beautiful mandala. Snap a picture of it and post it on your blog.
  • Write a paragraph which describes your emotions creating and then destroying your artistic offspring

Israel-Palestinian Unit: Creating a Path to Peace Documentary



This is an AWESOME challenge. You’re going to solve in 5 to 10 minutes what the world has been unable to solve for 70 years…that being, peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.

You’re going to create a 5-10 minute documentary on Moovly. This documentary must include the following:

  • Background or a timeline of events leading up to the creation of Israel.
  • Background or a timeline of events since Israel’s creation…to the present
  • Explanation of the current state of affairs
  • A proposal on how to solve the problem
  • Obstacles to implementation of your plan

Like all presentations, I’m going to challenge you to drastically limit the amount of text in your documentary. Use your wonderful expressive voice to tell a story.

Once you’ve completed your Moovly, upload it to YouTube, then include your link on your blog post. Good luck! THIS IS A TOUGH ONE!

Sub-Saharan African Mask Challenge


The artist holds a respected position in African tribal society. It is his job to provide the various masks and sculptures for use in ritual ceremonies. His work is valued for its spiritual, rather than its aesthetic qualities. Art without a ‘spiritual dimension’, in the broadest sense of the term, never transcends the level of mere craftsmanship and is unable to communicate those elevated emotions that are born from a deeper mystical inspiration.

African masks should be seen as part of a ceremonial costume. They are used in religious and social events to represent the spirits of ancestors or to control the good and evil forces in the community. They come to life, possessed by their spirit in the performance of the dance, and are enhanced by both the music and atmosphere of the occasion. Some combine human and animal features to unite man with his natural environment. This bond with nature is of great importance to the African and through the ages, masks have always been used to express this relationship.

Your mission is to create an African mask based on the directions in the link below. Include a photo of your mask. Also, include an information plate as if we were in a museum.

African Mask Instructions




Independence Movements Enrichment…Living Wax Museum, Poetry Slam, Cartoon Quest Global Studies 2

At it’s very best, imperialism improved the standard-of-living of residents of conquered territories. That’s the best thing that can be said about imperialism. Check out the negatives:

  • Exploited native resources and people for foreign gain
  • Imposed alien culture on unwilling inhabitants
  • Encouraged racism
  • Fostered feelings of superiority and inferiority
  • Created resentment among native peoples that resulted in devastating armed conflicts that are still present

Imperialism, quite frankly, tarnished Western Civilization’s image. We’re going to explore this intense topic over the next few weeks, but from a distinctly non-western perspective. Here are our 3 activities:

  1. Creation of the Living Wax Museum video
  2. Poetry Slam featuring Rudyard Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden”
  3. Cartoon Quest

Creation of Living Wax Museum

I’d like you to research a native who fought against foreign domination. There are many examples, both male and female. Their efforts could be non-violent. Let me approve your choice, then research your figure focusing on the following:

  • Describe my subject’s early life
  • What influenced him or her to take action?
  • What form did this action take?
  • How successful were their efforts?
  • Why is your figure significant?

Now…THE CHALLENGE! You’re going to create a short video in which you, or perhaps a friend, assumes the role of the figure. Address the essential questions above. You don’t have to dress up or speak in an exotic accent, but if you’re so inclined…go for it!

Will John Kennedy start talking?

Will John Kennedy start talking?

Once you’re done with your interview, upload it to YouTube and post it to your blog.

Poetry Slam

You have 2 options in this portion of the enrichment:

  1. Analyze a poem
  2. Create a poem

The inspiration for either option is Rudyard Kipling’s “The White Man’s Burden”.

Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling

Original title: “The White Man’s Burden: The United States and The Philippine Islands”

Take up the White Man’s burden, Send forth the best ye breed
Go bind your sons to exile, to serve your captives’ need;
To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child.

Take up the White Man’s burden, In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain
To seek another’s profit, And work another’s gain.

Take up the White Man’s burden, The savage wars of peace—
Fill full the mouth of Famine And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest The end for others sought,
Watch sloth and heathen Folly Bring all your hopes to nought.

Take up the White Man’s burden, No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper, The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter, The roads ye shall not tread,
Go mark them with your living, And mark them with your dead.

Take up the White Man’s burden And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better, The hate of those ye guard—
The cry of hosts ye humour (Ah, slowly!) toward the light:—
“Why brought he us from bondage, Our loved Egyptian night?”

Take up the White Man’s burden, Ye dare not stoop to less—
Nor call too loud on Freedom To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper, By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples Shall weigh your gods and you.

Take up the White Man’s burden, Have done with childish days—
The lightly proferred laurel, The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood, through all the thankless years
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom, The judgment of your peers!

For option 1, research this poem, then respond to the following prompts in a blog post.

For option 2, research this poem, then create a new poem which refutes Kipling’s argument. There are plenty of examples on the internet, but I want you to create your own, then post it on your blog.

Cartoon Quest

One of my favorite imperialism cartoons is of the British adventurer Cecil Rhodes.

Cecil Rhodes straddling the continent of Africa

Cecil Rhodes straddling the continent of Africa

From our vantage point, the cartoon seems arrogant and racist. In the late 19th Century, this cartoon was celebratory…towards Rhodes and Western Civilization! How odd!

Using a Google Advanced Image Search, or a Public Domain Image search, find an example of an imperialist era cartoon. This cartoon must convey a strong message that is interpreted differently today. Post the cartoon on your blog with an identifying caption. Then, address the following prompts:

  • What’s the cartoon’s context?
  • What’s the cartoon’s message?
  • What’s the cartoon’s perspective?
  • Is the cartoon racist?
  • How do you perceive the cartoon from your modern vantage point?


Cold War Enrichment Projects Global Studies 2

We’ll engage in two fascinating projects this unit:

  1. Create a podcast interviewing a Cold War original source
  2. Craft a movie or book review

Cold War Podcast


Show Notes:

  • Listen to the brief podcast example above
  • Include an intriguing public domain image to go with your podcast
  • You also may wish to include an image of your interviewee
  • Attach your podcast to your post in the form of a sound file
  • Include your questions in your show notes
  • Evaluate your podcast in your show notes. Utilize the Analyzing an Original Source template

Analyzing an Original Source

Movie or Book Review

You have interesting choices for this portion of the enrichment. Below, are 3 trailers. Take a look at each and see which appeals to you:

“Bridge of Spies”:

“Dr. Strangelove”:

If you’d like to watch Dr. Strangelove, here’s a link to try. It may, or may not work with your technology:

“The Fog of War”:

The “Fog of War” is available online. “Bridge of Spies” is being released on DVD on 2/2/16. “Dr. Strangelove” is available at the Sunbury Community Library.

If there’s a Cold War book you’d prefer to read, please promote it. One option, is to read “Strangers on a Bridge“. This is the book “Bridge of Spies” is based upon.

Once you’ve made your decision, I’ll give the proper review template.


Blog #1: Set up your Blog, then Tell me About how you’ll Grow in History 1181

Job 1:

Step 1: Go to EDUBLOGS.ORG

Step 2: Select SIGN UP

Step 3: Select STUDENT


Step 5: IMPORTANT!!! For USERNAME…go last name/first name (sturtevantjim.)  This will allow our blogs to be displayed in alphabetical order.

Step 6: Make certain to remember your password! Then, select SETUP YOUR BLOG.


Step 8: Once your blog appears, go to DASHBOARD, select MY CLASS. Then, select JOIN A CLASS. Type PJSTURTEVANT in the search bar, and then select SEARCH.

Job 2:

I want you to have 2 pages:

Home…where your blog posts appear.

About Me…where you give the reader some brief information about yourself. You can add more later.

Please allow your creative juices to flow!

Please allow your creative juices to flow!


Job 3:

You first blog post should be based on the following prompt:

How will you grow in History 1181?

Will you be a different person in May???

Will you be a different person in May???



Blog #8: How About Burning your next Masterpiece?

At Big Walnut University, we matriculate through an entire unit on Buddhism. But at BWU, we try to experience a unit, not just read and take notes. One way to do this is to engage in art. Buddhist are famous for crafting inspiring mandalas. Here’s a captivating 2 minute clip on monks creating a mandala:

Here’s the way to construct a paper mandala:

  1. Take a perfectly square paper and folded it into 8 pie-shaped sections.

photo (42)

  1. Create a cool design in one of the sections.

photo (43)

  1. Fold the paper, place it on a window or light box, and recreate the image in the 7 remaining sections.

photo (44)

  1. Here’s some examples from last fall. But in the spirit of Buddhism, we promptly took them out in the parking lot and torched them!a2012762-3c01-4699-8ae8-e3041920796a
  2. FullSizeRender


BMU photo (33)

Why, you may ask, would one do such a thing? The answer lies in attachment. Buddhism is all about letting go. That’s a tough concept to grasp when you’re a youthful 17-years-old. Burning these beautiful works of art could have a profound impact on you. Regardless, I have no doubt you’ll remember this assignment and the message about attachment for the rest of your life!

photo (27)photo (26)


Blog #9 Instructions: (20 Points)

  • Create a beautiful mandala. Snap a picture of it and post it on your blog.
  • Write a paragraph which describes your emotions creating and then destroying your artistic offspring!